Thursday 20 June 2013

The Bowen Technique

As a Bowen Practitioner for nearly ten years now I have seen more and more people benefiting from trying this not very well known therapy and enjoy lasting results.  Some have had to return for few more top up sessions but generally they have showed and enjoyed better health and well being.

One noticeable point is the release of the aches and pains they arrive with and the sense or feeling that they have grown taller as postural alignment aids the often chronic pain and discomfort they have held in their body for seventeen or twenty years.  A few even more than that.

I'm often asked. Why should I try Bowen?  I often reply.  Why should you accept to remain in pain?

Leaving your body in pain is not a good thing.  The old myth about working through pain is not how you should exercise. Recovery after Spinal, Knee, Hip or Feet operations are monitored by your physiotherapist who will guide you through the often difficult period of first getting back on your feet and feeling confident to weight bear again.  In some cases it's like learning to walk all over again.

You will be given a certain period of recovery and aids with your physiotherapy sessions to get you back on your feet.  But there may still be some scar tissue, aches, pains and discomfort as muscles and tendons continue the inner healing process.  Your outer scar will seem hopefully neat and small for most cases but there are exceptions and as the fascia tissue, muscles, tendons or bones continue with the bodies healing process there may be a lot of discomfort or pain 6-8 weeks later or even 9 months later.  That's when you book your Bowen.  Sorry not quite for you may try a number of therapies before deciding to give the lesser well known Gem a try.

I don't like illness, but some people enjoy and revel in it and others suffer great discomfort and pain for many years without relief in many cases.  When I tried Bowen I could not believe how such gentle moves could orchestrate such responses and experience of self healing realignment programing that encouraged me to find a course and become skilled in this gentle giant of a therapy.

I had purchased a pair of trainers and decided to keep them on for work.  I walked out of the shop to the car park and my whole body shifted as I bent double like an old man.  I could not straighten up and had to drive to work as I had clients in that afternoon.  I did not know how I was going to help them as it was painful and extremely uncomfortable.  I managed to get in the car but wasn't sure if or how I'd get back out again.  It took me 15 minutes to get into work from the car park that normally took about 3.  My colleague suggested Bowen and had done on many occasions but I couldn't fathom how it would have helped my previous niggles.  I'd always gone for Reiki or Massage and Reflexology.

She told me to get on the couch as I couldn't straighten up and would be in no position to do my clients.  I lay on my front and my colleague mad e the first few moves and left the room.  I had an immediate circling motion as if massaging both my hips and upper glutes and a ping sensation the the base of my spine.  I lay as with any therapy open to it but still couldn't work out what was happening.  I had the various responses and sensations that my clients now talk about after their sessions, but then I had this wave affect as if it ocean-ed through my body from feet to head a few times with gentle flow and dispersed.  At the same time I had this vision of a large TV screen and in the film that played out I was with my friends about seven or eight years old standing waiting t jump from top of slide.  This was my third time and I would normally do six or seven jumps from the top impacting my bones and reverberating my spine until teeth chattered.  Strange child.  Even more now.

As I watched me shout Geronimo and hurl to the ground I thought that repetitive impact must have been damaging to my bones.  At the same time it felt as if someone took hold of one leg and then the other and pull them out in a stretch which was slow motion like and weirdest feeling.  My colleague walked back in and my vision went as I asked if she had been pulling on my legs.  She replied: "No that is how Bowen works and often different for everyone and yet common responses happen for similar injuries."  I don't know who was more pleased my colleague because of the results or me as she asked me to turn over which I did without any discomfort.  My session was for about 50 minutes and I was able to work without any twinges that day.  I did experience the common five to ten day affect of responses for at least five days.  This was on and off little niggles further shifting, moving and pulsing as my body continued adjusting my postural and impacting damage.  I felt taller.  Maybe that is what stunted my growth.  I was convinced and ready to study this new therapy which just seemed to good to be true.

Your body is designed to heal and our busy life styles and home, work and family dramas all add to the stress and tension build ups to manifest your aches and pains.  When was the last time you had a day off sick.  If you're like me it was years ago.  The last time you said no to all the demands being put upon you and added to your already overstretched workload.  It may be you have been off on long term sick leave, you may have been made redundant or threat of redundancy is looming.  You may be unemployed, depressed, distressed, angry and frustrated.  Yet the one thing you never do is take time for yourself.  If you do take time of you feel guilty and rush back sometimes too soon.  Your body needs time to recover from operations to work related stress, harassment, or bullying and a host of general aches and pains for head to foot. 

So as with all injuries you should first see your own GP especially if suspected tear, fracture or break because he/she will have knowledge of your medical history and will be able to deal with you better for that reason.   You may have to go to hospital. In fact with a break it may be best because you need to have it reset as soon as possible.  Don't waste valuable time if you can get there go direct to accident and emergency and if not able to weight bear or be taken call an ambulance.  The other good reason for seeing the GP or the Hospital staff is that you will be given pain relief.  It is important to ease the pain and not as some will tell you to do without.  Do not tolerate pain for the sake of it or if you don't Ike or don't normally take anything for pain.  Pain thresholds vary but the body doesn't need to remain in pain but make sure if you are allergic to any medications you inform the Hospital staff.  Your GP should already know but you may have to mention it if seeing another Doctor you don't know.  You may have to wait until the fracture or break is healed approximately 6-8 weeks before going to have your Bowen sessions.  It is also good to keep in mind that if you injure yourself and don't deal with it you may start to experience more problems 6-8 weeks later.  Such as niggling shoulder or stiff neck, upper and lower back ache or niggles

Bowen is good before and after operations and lengthy dental treatment.  It may possibly speed up recovery time and allow you to enjoy better health and wellbeing.  It is often successful with Frozen Shoulder, Backache, Whiplash, Ankle, Knee and Foot problems.

If you've been in pain for 8 weeks to many years...!  What have you got to lose...?

Bowen is safe for everyone from babies (see previous blog) to grandparents.

If unemployed or disabled, autistic experiencing ADHD and been diagnosed or on long term sick leave call  for special rates and course of treatments.  Mob: 07928432436  Quote Blogg91197

Every Body is Better with Bowen...!

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