Saturday 22 June 2013

Complementary Treatments Following Bowen
Including Bowen Top-up To Maintain
Good Health and Wellbeing

No matter what anyone said as I came across Reflexology and Massage being discussed or offered I was sceptical and suspicious of how these treatments could ever make a person feel so different and possibly even start life changing decisions and improvement of health and wellbeing.  This was all for the Fairies and New age crazy people.  In fact I was one of those protesting that under no circumstances should my feet ever be touched and I mean never.  I also felt that I didn't want a male or female therapist to touch my body for unless it was the person I was in a relationship with all others were outside of my then thoughts and beliefs.

I had gone through injuries and stress and never had any treatments.  However when working for the NHS myself and a colleague were allowed to go on a mini Massage and Aromatherapy course that would allow us to use the skills within the service area we worked.  As this was Learning disabilities there were mine fields of proper channels and care plans to follow and our treatments could also benefit other staff members.  The one thing that struck me was that in all the progressive accessing of the community better health and wellbeing was not promoted or offered for all to have the choice to access or not.  One young lady we had on the unit had a therapist come to do regular Reflexology.  The lady would always be stressed about going out, not going out, others going out and staff coming and going.  When she had her Reflexology session her whole demeanour was different and was more calm and relaxed.  It would help with her anxieties and allow her behaviour to be labelled anything other than challenging.  Prior to her starting the treatments she had displayed the grabbing at or hitting out at other clients in the unit and staff.  Most of the time drawing blood by scratching her victim.  She was also the victim of boredom and frustration at the lack of communication understood by some staff members.  Which is in my belief and experience a number one reason for what is labelled Challenging Behaviour.

When my colleague and I started the mini courses I felt how massage helped relieve tensions and De-stressed the week of hectic shifts I'd just finished.  I started thinking about the Reflex treatments this lady was receiving and wondered about trying it myself.  Yes I was going to allow someone access to my feet.  It wasn't until six months later however, that I finally allowed this to happen and it was while in Chester that I walked by a hairdressers with Reflexology poster in the window and  popped in to enquire and booked a session there and then for an hour later.  I went to have a coffee and people watch to kill the time and I could feel a little apprehension but was determined to give it a go.  From the moment I sat back on the couch my body started relaxing and Sarah the girl doing my treatment was informative and explained how she would do the treatment and then she covered my feet by folding a towel over them.  Undoing towel one foot at a time she worked through the various areas that would help re balance my system and body.  Sarah asked me to start with a few deep breaths and then she had occasionally asked me to take a few deep breaths which I later understood was during the work she carried out over the chest and lung area and then the diaphragm and again just before the end.  Somewhere in the middle I was drifting in and out of being aware of my feet being touched at all but feeling relaxed and floating like a feather.

This was all quite strange to me and that these responses can be experienced from having your feet massaged or pressure points of tenderness to sharp painful twinges which released tension and allowed a deeper sense of relaxation to engulf you, beggared belief.  I had a great discussion after the treatment with Sarah and she showed me this book on Reflexology that she had used when studying.  I bought the book and later discovered it was on the reading list of books for my own Reflexology course.  Yes I took on Reflexology and Massage course in same year.  My tutors could have synchronised modules so I did the same systems as I ended up doing two systems a week to everyone Else's one.  But I was enjoying learning about the science and history of these subjects and after all they had been around from centuries back.  I was still floating on my Reflexology session when I returned home and booked my courses.  The feeling of lightness and new spring in my step was impossible to ignore I had to now find ways to help people with their health and wellbeing rather than be looking after them when all has gone wrong, failed and to pot, health wise.  For as well as the position I had full time I also did agency work in care homes.

The discovery of how these treatments could help lift peoples spirits and take them from being in pain or discomfort and experiencing even low energy to feeling light and floating for anything from 24 hours to a few days or even a week or so.  Many of my clients use Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy after their Bowen Course to help maintain their wellbeing with occasional Top-up Bowen sessions which seem to work. The other thing I try to do is encourage clients to read their bodies so they don't allow the tension or postural problems to build up again if in employment where repetition might antagonise the presentations they originally came to see you about.  Also if re injured or a new accident or injury to try and deal with it before 6-8 weeks.

I have many client's who have gone three months, six months, a year, even two years and my most surprising was an 84 year old who telephoned me one day and said she needed to return for a top-up Bowen.  I looked at her consultation sheet and she had not been for Four years.  I was quizzing her as I know Bowen works and understand the Bowen process but even I could not believe she had remained so good for so long, because as you get older you generally experience much more discomfort in joints and anything from niggles to aches and pains.  This lady was very agile and walked her dog helped with grandchildren and walked along the road as if power walking before it ever became fashionable.  'I had been fine until making the bed that morning when I overstretched.' She told me and I was still quizzing her to be sure she had been relatively pain free and her original presentations had not returned.  My eldest client was 93 and my youngest a two month old baby suffering with colic.  Bowen has been the therapy with most lasting results at the Centre and I have been really pleased to have personally experienced and qualified in Bowen.  It still remains the best and most popular treatment offered at the centre and has remained so for seven years.

Fix and maintain...?

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Check out the website at Original Bowen UK or my website below...?

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