Monday 17 June 2013

Right to Choices

  LEFT                                          RIGHT
Simple when the choices are as easy as selecting any of the above.  What complicates things to get us so worked up and feeling that the world is against us?  Or that we have to be punished because we are no good and can't be anything other than greedy, hateful, selfish individuals who can't seem to agree on common ground the simplest of which is below.
BIRTH                                                                                                                                         DEATH
The main point is everyone is born and born equal and able to make the life choices to get us through to the point of being able to die.  There is no fear in this except for the unknown and the concept of fear itself.  It also required a continuity of control in your early life to turn you from the excited and adventurous creative being you arrived to the controlled conformist that you become in order to fit in as some of your peers conform quicker and then they too bully and harass you into being something other than the who you came to be.
How many children feel dejected and rejected by all the put down and faults or failing to grasp the concepts of what is being taught.  For example five children from different race, religion and cultural backgrounds meet at pre-school and the play is full on involved as individuals get to know one another.  Parent may have reservations but at this point children do not.  The same five children go through the first two reception classes and remain close friends but little niggles have been placed in their minds that weren't there before.  Parts or full conversations between parents or older siblings who have already been conditioned and finding the rebellion end of the spectrum no different than the origin to incite control.  The older children or young adults can choose their beliefs and conceive or perceive how they make see and keep friends as the fight with their parents to challenge their authority which had so far been relatively unquestioned.  Younger children are rebelling too as they are told that one or two friends they have are not good for them as they are of different faith, or culture even outright condemnation of Blacks, French or Polish nationalities.  The battles first began when told not to do this or that and developed into rules that were designed to control your creative and imaginative abilities of achieving what ever you desired or hoped as you grew and developed.
A fireman, Policeman, The forces, a Plumber, Painter, Electrician,  A Secretary, Actor/Actress,  a number of possibilities which changed and returned or held true until your teenage years and the battle to win back your individuality began.  In your haste and because of those racing hormones both boys and girls may experience confusion about who they really are and what they really want to be do and say.  Some lose their confidence and retreat inward whilst others grasp their road and means to get there by fishing their education.  The greatest thing about finishing your final exams or college and university is that you always have those results even if you decide to go completely in an opposite direction and away from your first and very real and determined choice of say Solicitor but choosing to take up art your favourite subject all the way through life so far but left on the back burner when doing your law degree.  They get to know what works and what doesn't work.  They get to realise that we do not nor where we born to slave away for most hours in a day or week or month and year.  That we need to be able to enjoy and live our lives free from labels and boxes that the oh so controlling influences want to keep in order to contain the masses.  They assume there would be chaos but if you look at Britain alone where the peoples have until recently enjoyed a great deal of freedom.  You will see there has not been chaos but when they try to impose more and more restraint and constraints on the nation, flare ups of demonstrations and violence increases and yet they want to control you even more now than ever, because they want to have a world government that determines all that you do, will do or can do for the new order they perceive is within their grasp.
It is the future generations that will make the biggest changes but for a time there will be some bigots and steadfast haters of anything that changes the stability of what they have come to believe.  But the beliefs you hold are the very same beliefs told to you and forced on you from as soon after your birth as possible.  Why?  Because even though there are many religions and fear and mistrust of one to another or the so called sects that arose.  If they were following what they professed as Christ like qualities we would not be having such rebellion and outcry against minority groups because we would be accepting of the whole and concept: EVERY BABY BORN IN TO THE WORLD HAS THE RIGHT TO LIVE HIS / HER LIFE WITHOUT FEAR CONTROL OR PUNISHMENT THAT IS PRODUCING INJUSTICE IN HOW THEY WILL BE PERCEIVED.  It is deemed natural preferences which are part of the creative energy source are not to be tolerated and some how worked out of society because it goes against the beliefs that were infringed upon you in your early years.  You cannot have JUSTICE with pre conceived notions or beliefs that something is wrong for the baby born has done nothing but arrive to dance their journey of life.  When we take on attitudes and assumptions on what is right or wrong we stop the creative flow of living energies.
Right and Left are defined just so.  Turn right and left and right again and you will be where you wanted to get to.  Simples:  Right and Wrong however is not as simple.  If you don't want any one to steal from you then don't steal from any one else.  If you want to be treated with respect then treat others with that same respect you desire to be shown to you.  The labels get in the way here for it is not acceptable that a woman or a man is raped.  Therefore it needs no further clarification.  IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.  The justice system has to reflect this and provide means and ways to make the victims experience of reliving the event as painless as possible.  Otherwise the Justice system is harming the person in question again.  The one sure thing to gauge if rape or not is if the victim has declared NO...!  They do not want the sexual advances or intercourse.  Simple as that if the victim has said no and is forced to continue it is rape.  In a so called intelligent and forward thinking society this would not be in question and there certainly would not be doubts if No...! was clearly stated.  Now unless you think you have the right and again here the label RIGHT is used as in English but there are only three rights.  The right to birth the right to be and the right to die.  All other rights are directions you take along the way but the label RIGHT describes nothing else.  He's right and your wrong.  Blacks aren't equal to whites.  Gay or Straight holds no right or wrong, remember birth growth being you (whatever that is for your life's journey)  There is no Right or Wrong in who you are.  With Rape the person has been violated against their will.  However with Success there are both black and white successful business men and women.  Rape although not described with label wrong is not acceptable in a civil society were it is very clear that all individuals hold the same 3 R's. (The right to birth the right to be and the right to die.)
Therefore workers should never have to fight for their rights as they should never be exploited.  Individuals should never have to fight for their rights as they have already by the laws of the universe and birthing process been conceived and delivered with creative forces of being who and what they need to be to move forward mankind and allow acceptance of all who choose to enter this kingdom of fleshly reality and without recourse to ancient and out dated beliefs.  Where did you find Jesus amongst the so called sinners.  So with his forgiveness and love we deliver a greater place to enjoy the art of living with all the colours and shades of colours that create and make us who we are.
A civilised nation on global scale who wants to be at peace, enjoying life with what work we may have to do but in balance with how we need to relax and set aside time to play and enjoy activities from exercise to hobbies and creative ways to improve and enhance the human race.  Priorities such as number of hours we work and amount of time we spend together or with our families we so protest we love so much.  How many hours do we spend getting away from it all or letting our spouse take more responsibility than prepared to do ourselves?  How much time do you take to regain the energy needed to take you through the next week.  Finished on the Friday and cramming in a full weekend or staying in bed a full weekend to save energy for Monday morning.  Monday arrives and you feel like you did when finishing Friday shattered.  Even more so now as it all seems so futile and the dreams you once had are all lying dormant like your creative force and spark of life.
What to do to reignite.  Always get some fresh air and a walk if no other form of exercise is taken.  You walk at your own pace but try to include some stairs and a hill or two. Start with small gradient and work up to steeper gradient after a few months.  There is always the Gym but ask for advice on what you are trying to achieve and tone rather than bulk up muscles.  Try to get someone at the Gym to provide you with a routine for what you are trying to achieve.  Swimming is a great all round exercise routine but don't overdo it go at your own pace and don't try to show off by aiming to stay up with friends partners or others who may be more competitive.  Enjoy whatever you take up from Tennis to Golf and football or Rugby but always deal with injuries before six weeks as they will become chronic and start altering your posture if left without treatment.  With bones it is always best to get them checked out at the local hospital for damage such as fractures or breaks.  Even small fractures can cause you pain and discomfort, but for most breaks it will be apparently painful and non weight bearing.  Even if after an accident you managed to get to hospital for treatment while still suffering from shock.  Following an accident where you have been driving or are a passenger who is suffering from delayed shock or whiplash.  Whiplash may not show up at the time of the accident but 6-8 weeks later or longer and noticeable as aches and pains or neck restrictions develop and start to restrict movement.  The Golden Rule is:  If in doubt.  Always check it out.  Meditation is another good way to relax and help get you to work and play from another stance.  That of your true identity as a unique being.
Then you have The Bowen Technique, Reflexology, Massage and Counselling along with EFT and NLP to aid you back to balance and becoming more centred as to the you that really wants to shine and be, but in the end it is your choice to do something about what is preventing you from enjoying life or not to do anything.  If you want change or more focus or aid for pain and discomfort then try Bowen.  Make the middle of the three rights as you have already achieved Birth and I take it not ready for death which only leaves the right to be and if it helps easing and relieving physical or emotional aches and pains then that is good and will contribute to your perception of how much you have done and how much there is that you can still enjoy.  How your life turns out is in your hands and the choices you make or don't make only affect you and no one else.  You make the choice act and look after yourself and your health above all else.  For what good is striving to care for your family when it works you into an early grave or cram packed work and play that you never take time to relax or listen to your body and more importantly heed its communication.  It is better to be in charge of that than for you to suddenly be stopped in your tracks for failing to notice those signs that had been given to you for quite a while until the mind body and spirit collapsed in an agreed cycle of healing that was much needed but only accepted when forced to confront what you have been doing with what you might want to achieve.
You made the right choice to be born.  You will make the right choice to die.  But not everyone will make the right choice to be because the pace of life gets in the way and everything is always being put off until tomorrow but tomorrow never comes and before you know it the coffin has arrived.  Make your choices and live the way you know is best from the emotional feelings that gauge your existence as a creative in your present form of flesh and blood.  Choose to be and to explore life and enjoy life rather than just existing for the period between birth and death. 
A great way to achieve change is to start with making choices as to what works and what doesn't work for you.  Don't keep doing something because you ave always done it that way.  Don't try and impose on others ways that you keep trying and failing at because its always been done that way.  Look outside the BOX and one treatment out side the Box at present is Bowen Work.
Make all your choices in wisdom which you own from before birthing to the flesh and blood and confusion that has become you at present.  Make all your choices count in getting you to where you truly want to be and with less enslavement to whatever is providing shackles to maintain enslavement over freedom.  Be the unique special and loving creative source you are and always have been.

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