Friday 4 May 2012

Psychological Effects of Massage

A body massage can have a very positive effect on how a client feels about their body.    The actual physical touch of another person can have amazing results.  If a client is feeling neglected, lonely or unloved this close contact and personal attention can prove to be the missing link in their lives.  They can feel whole again and cope better with the general day to day juggling of their lives.  (For example; their Mother's just died, they have deadlines for work and that bully won't let up and the neighbour upstairs plays that constant thumping music keeping them awake most nights and the Doctor has just confirmed those pains in the chest are due to stress.)   You never know how a person is going to be.  But remember 'No one ever makes you have a bad day.  This is down to how you handle a situation and deal with it.  How would you feel if your Mother had just died and you had been in the middle of your daily routine at work?  Always put yourself in the other persons place so you can better read the circumstances and remain detached and distant from their problem/s.
The fact that a therapist is touching areas that the client may not be fond of such as large hips, flabby tummy, rough skin, or cellulite without obviously saying anything negative but rather skilfully applying massage movements over the 'problem' soothing away any negative thoughts which basically can have incredible hidden results.  Some individuals will experience colour/s, drifting, and unique to them communication.  This can be and often is dismissed but can't be explained or ignored easily and may add to their concerns.
However, the giving and receiving of Massage is a special 1-1 treatment where the client should be made to feel special as if they were the only client you are treating.  That they have your individual attention.  This alone can have an incredible affect on the person's sense of well-being.  That someone really cares enough and is spending an hour dedicated to them and their particular problem.  Being a good listener is another important part of their session and occasionally following a massage the person may become tearful, but this is not a sign of failure it is simply a release of emotions.  The trigger might have been the physical contact allowing the release of those built up feelings, emotions or fears to be released.  It is important that such release is dealt with carefully and tactfully in order that more psychological  damage is not done.
The client might need to talk with a stranger, share things with an outsider.  Someone not in their immediate circle of friends or associates and you could provide that ear utilising the art of listening as you would the art of touch to allow them to get whatever it is off their chest and sink deeper into a relaxed state as you continue with the strokes and breathing techniques which aid their massage treatment in transforming their hour of concerns and woes to a state of bliss and relaxed sense of improved well-being.

It is vital to remember not to slip into the role of counsellor during and after the treatment or give advice that may be inappropriate but to simply listen allowing the client to unwind through you and leave in a different state of mind, body and spirit than when they arrived.
Some people seem to zap all your energy and leap off the couch full of vitality and raring to go whilst you are left feeling physically and emotionally drained.  This should not last for long and there are ways to protect yourself from gathering any unwanted clutter.  Your therapist should always put you at ease and will be relaxed and fully aware of the role they have during any treatment.  They should have taken a consultation and discussed areas of concern and areas not to be included.  I have a regular client who does not like her back neck and shoulder being done but comes for leg massage.  The legs are giving her the problem and she is always so much better after the treatment so whether it is psychological or not it helps her with the restless leg syndrome she complains about.  Thus improves her well-being.  Don't hesitate to ask questions and meet your therapist if you don't know them.  We always aim to make you feel welcome and relaxed in a safe environment so you fully enjoy the benefits of your Massage.

Enjoy your Massage...!

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