Friday 4 May 2012

Muscle Tension Release

How long have you suffered or ignored the pain?  You may be in your forties, fifties, sixties or older and experiencing chronic pain day in day out and recall it showed up in your mid twenties or thirties, but after a few months it seemed t have gone.  Work and family commitments prevented you from acting on those twinges, aches and pains and so you just carried on.  Muscles always feel tense as if it builds up when under stress and pressure and there is never any time for YOU.  of course there had been the odd gift of massage which seemed to help for a day or two at least long enough to put it out of your mind.
Life is busy, what with work, home, shopping, kids, after school clubs, football, rugby, ice hockey, golf and its months before you take the time to see about it again.  Stop...!  Don't suffer with Pain.  Whatever your age deal with it now.  If you have never tried Bowen?  Try it now.  What have you got to lose as you've probably tried about everything else.  Don't let pain rule your life.  Find out how it feels to enjoy life and reduce or remove the tension causing the aches and pains.  Bowen will aid the body to allow postural rebalance and realignment which allows you to take back control of your life rather than being controlled by the lack of enthusiasm, energy or relief from those constant niggles or pain.
If you've tried Bowen before and never returned for your top-up session/s due to feeling well and back with nose to the grind stone but are now experiencing niggles and back ache or pain then don't delay Book your Bowen session today.  It is very common not to worry or think about injuries or aches and pains once they have gone.  Hence painkillers relieve the pain and allow you to continue getting jobs done.  Although at times it may not be best practice just to take painkillers and mask what is really going on.  As always the first stop is to your G.P. and they may prescribe pain relief but they will also diagnose your problem and possible solutions for your improved long term health and well-being.  Make sure you explain honestly about the aches and pains, when they started and how long they have been going on.  What pain relief you have been using or gels and any other treatments you may have had, including Tense machine and the array of massage tools now available.

If you have a problem with your back don't use the electric massage chairs or other items such as tennis balls or rollers and variety of marketing products that don't do much good if any.
A good therapist will be able to determine areas of tension and muscular restrictions in arms, shoulders, neck and hips or legs by carrying out a few basic assessments.  An experienced therapist will also read the body visually and with their hands.  They will also be able to suggest the best treatment for you and present conditions you are experiencing.  Again I must emphasise the importance of having seen your Doctor for they should know you well enough and your medical history which may see patterns of this tension build up and in some cases they may recommend Massage or Chiropractic alternatives to just prescribing pain relief.  Many G.P. surgeries now have in house therapists.  The diagnosis may save you time and recommend particular area to be concentrated on for example the neck, shoulder and arm if diagnosis for frozen shoulder or restrictive movement.  They do not hand out cortisone injections as first defence these days and explore other methods before resorting to using this medication.  They should also explain and inform you of any side affects to this form of pain relief.
Which brings me back to BOWEN...  If there is only one thing new you try this year of 2012 make it Bowen.  Book your sessions and release the tension and stress of those muscles without effort with the exception of getting on and off the couch.  See the person who walks away at the end of the session and there will be a new you for in some way the communication that goes on during your sessions on an internal level will have changed you from the person who first walked into have the treatment.  And this gentle giant of the therapy world is growing in recognition.  The moves are light unobtrusive and if you want a first hand reporters read.  Google - High Street Magazine and search for Sally deals with a pain in the neck....!  Sally had four sessions over the four weeks and did her write up at the end taking notes on how she was on the couch and between treatments.  It was like listening to my clients with all the same concerns, thoughts and feelings about the Bowen Work and responses she experienced.  Enjoy her account...!

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