Monday 7 May 2012

Which Treatment for Me?

How do you choose yours?  Maybe you are one of the people who have never tried any types of complementary or alternative therapy?  You could be a connoisseur of Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic, or Acupuncture and swear by your preference.  How do you choose the right one in the market of abundant therapy treatments on offer?  I have people who love Reflexology and testify to the benefits of the relaxing hour spent with soothing massage and reflex points to their tired feet, but when back report the boost of energy, vitality and stamina lacking before their Reflexology session.  Some enjoy the treatment each week or every two weeks and others monthly or quarterly and they become very inept at knowing when to book their next session if not the few who book up well in advance because they enjoy set treatments over four week cycle.  Many people who say; 'No I couldn't let anyone touch my feet are surprised because the touch is firm but not gripping and even those with ticklish fears are surprised that they can tolerate this art of touch.  There is a belief that those with ticklish feet have something to hide.  I think it is that they secretly love their feet being massaged.  Unless you know differently? 
Massage comes in many forms from Swedish, Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue, Sports and Hydro-therm.  They vary in that the touch can be light and soothing, or deep with more firm strokes but should never really be painful although some people will experience some discomfort.  Like the myth of working through your pain or when heavily sedated by painkillers when you don't know what further tissue damage you might cause. A massage should never be so uncomfortable that you suffer great pain.  The hands of a good therapist will read the muscles being worked on and know the pressure needed. 
Many people are surprised at the results using Deep Tissue techniques that improve their tension but doesn't cause them to jump or squirm in agony.  You certainly have to work harder on sport enthusiasts and I mean those who may arrive solid because of leaving a longer period of time between treatments, maybe have arrived after moving into the area or when working through heavy training period, sadly some even with all the information available are too lazy to warm up and cool down.  An occasional miss is fine but we all lead such busy lives and getting to the gym or home again and going for a run may have to fit between after school clubs for the kids, meals, shopping and getting out with mates or each other so sacrificed or cut back because of other priorities.  The tension will build and start affecting the posture once you do any damage to muscle or group of muscles that will become chronic about six weeks later and possibly still continue to alter the other muscles around the tear or pull as your body's defence mechanism kicks in and you are fully aware of how you're walking or holding yourself.  You should always get Diagnoses from your G.P. first before
starting any massage treatment/s and inform your therapist.
One thing is clear from the most popular types of massage is:  The art of touch where someone is doing something to ease or change your aches and pains, providing relief to those nagging and constant reminders that you've left it longer than you should have.  And this is where I would like to introduce Bowen to you...
However, it will be better that you visit the web site/s for Essential Therapy Centre and investigate this little gem for yourself.  You can even contact Gary direct to arrange a free consultation and find out how Bowen can help you...?
The healing energy of Reiki is a wonderful experience and most relaxing fully clothed treatment you may ever experience.  There are many views on this healing energy therapy but it is Universal and closely linked to the connectivity of all there is.  For those who profess to have open minds it is truly remarkable and enlightening.  People will report many things experienced throughout the spectrum of modalities but in Reiki it is as personal to that which you know from within and often some form of release or mysterious journey is undertaken.  This is personal to the recipient. The universal energy flows through therapist like electricity through a cable.  The person will enjoy taking however much is needed and this can often be felt by the therapist.  The areas concerned will zap that life force and move on as your hands rest a little above or on the body.  Try it or attend a Reiki share...

There is more to come on this subject but feel free to leave comments on which treatments you've had, your experiences and if your therapist is someone you use regularly or occasionally maybe even new.  Where you made to feel at ease?  Able to relax?  And if problem resolved or improved to feel less restricted and value for money.  More importantly:  Would you go back...?


                                                          AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE

Friday 4 May 2012

Muscle Tension Release

How long have you suffered or ignored the pain?  You may be in your forties, fifties, sixties or older and experiencing chronic pain day in day out and recall it showed up in your mid twenties or thirties, but after a few months it seemed t have gone.  Work and family commitments prevented you from acting on those twinges, aches and pains and so you just carried on.  Muscles always feel tense as if it builds up when under stress and pressure and there is never any time for YOU.  of course there had been the odd gift of massage which seemed to help for a day or two at least long enough to put it out of your mind.
Life is busy, what with work, home, shopping, kids, after school clubs, football, rugby, ice hockey, golf and its months before you take the time to see about it again.  Stop...!  Don't suffer with Pain.  Whatever your age deal with it now.  If you have never tried Bowen?  Try it now.  What have you got to lose as you've probably tried about everything else.  Don't let pain rule your life.  Find out how it feels to enjoy life and reduce or remove the tension causing the aches and pains.  Bowen will aid the body to allow postural rebalance and realignment which allows you to take back control of your life rather than being controlled by the lack of enthusiasm, energy or relief from those constant niggles or pain.
If you've tried Bowen before and never returned for your top-up session/s due to feeling well and back with nose to the grind stone but are now experiencing niggles and back ache or pain then don't delay Book your Bowen session today.  It is very common not to worry or think about injuries or aches and pains once they have gone.  Hence painkillers relieve the pain and allow you to continue getting jobs done.  Although at times it may not be best practice just to take painkillers and mask what is really going on.  As always the first stop is to your G.P. and they may prescribe pain relief but they will also diagnose your problem and possible solutions for your improved long term health and well-being.  Make sure you explain honestly about the aches and pains, when they started and how long they have been going on.  What pain relief you have been using or gels and any other treatments you may have had, including Tense machine and the array of massage tools now available.

If you have a problem with your back don't use the electric massage chairs or other items such as tennis balls or rollers and variety of marketing products that don't do much good if any.
A good therapist will be able to determine areas of tension and muscular restrictions in arms, shoulders, neck and hips or legs by carrying out a few basic assessments.  An experienced therapist will also read the body visually and with their hands.  They will also be able to suggest the best treatment for you and present conditions you are experiencing.  Again I must emphasise the importance of having seen your Doctor for they should know you well enough and your medical history which may see patterns of this tension build up and in some cases they may recommend Massage or Chiropractic alternatives to just prescribing pain relief.  Many G.P. surgeries now have in house therapists.  The diagnosis may save you time and recommend particular area to be concentrated on for example the neck, shoulder and arm if diagnosis for frozen shoulder or restrictive movement.  They do not hand out cortisone injections as first defence these days and explore other methods before resorting to using this medication.  They should also explain and inform you of any side affects to this form of pain relief.
Which brings me back to BOWEN...  If there is only one thing new you try this year of 2012 make it Bowen.  Book your sessions and release the tension and stress of those muscles without effort with the exception of getting on and off the couch.  See the person who walks away at the end of the session and there will be a new you for in some way the communication that goes on during your sessions on an internal level will have changed you from the person who first walked into have the treatment.  And this gentle giant of the therapy world is growing in recognition.  The moves are light unobtrusive and if you want a first hand reporters read.  Google - High Street Magazine and search for Sally deals with a pain in the neck....!  Sally had four sessions over the four weeks and did her write up at the end taking notes on how she was on the couch and between treatments.  It was like listening to my clients with all the same concerns, thoughts and feelings about the Bowen Work and responses she experienced.  Enjoy her account...!

Psychological Effects of Massage

A body massage can have a very positive effect on how a client feels about their body.    The actual physical touch of another person can have amazing results.  If a client is feeling neglected, lonely or unloved this close contact and personal attention can prove to be the missing link in their lives.  They can feel whole again and cope better with the general day to day juggling of their lives.  (For example; their Mother's just died, they have deadlines for work and that bully won't let up and the neighbour upstairs plays that constant thumping music keeping them awake most nights and the Doctor has just confirmed those pains in the chest are due to stress.)   You never know how a person is going to be.  But remember 'No one ever makes you have a bad day.  This is down to how you handle a situation and deal with it.  How would you feel if your Mother had just died and you had been in the middle of your daily routine at work?  Always put yourself in the other persons place so you can better read the circumstances and remain detached and distant from their problem/s.
The fact that a therapist is touching areas that the client may not be fond of such as large hips, flabby tummy, rough skin, or cellulite without obviously saying anything negative but rather skilfully applying massage movements over the 'problem' soothing away any negative thoughts which basically can have incredible hidden results.  Some individuals will experience colour/s, drifting, and unique to them communication.  This can be and often is dismissed but can't be explained or ignored easily and may add to their concerns.
However, the giving and receiving of Massage is a special 1-1 treatment where the client should be made to feel special as if they were the only client you are treating.  That they have your individual attention.  This alone can have an incredible affect on the person's sense of well-being.  That someone really cares enough and is spending an hour dedicated to them and their particular problem.  Being a good listener is another important part of their session and occasionally following a massage the person may become tearful, but this is not a sign of failure it is simply a release of emotions.  The trigger might have been the physical contact allowing the release of those built up feelings, emotions or fears to be released.  It is important that such release is dealt with carefully and tactfully in order that more psychological  damage is not done.
The client might need to talk with a stranger, share things with an outsider.  Someone not in their immediate circle of friends or associates and you could provide that ear utilising the art of listening as you would the art of touch to allow them to get whatever it is off their chest and sink deeper into a relaxed state as you continue with the strokes and breathing techniques which aid their massage treatment in transforming their hour of concerns and woes to a state of bliss and relaxed sense of improved well-being.

It is vital to remember not to slip into the role of counsellor during and after the treatment or give advice that may be inappropriate but to simply listen allowing the client to unwind through you and leave in a different state of mind, body and spirit than when they arrived.
Some people seem to zap all your energy and leap off the couch full of vitality and raring to go whilst you are left feeling physically and emotionally drained.  This should not last for long and there are ways to protect yourself from gathering any unwanted clutter.  Your therapist should always put you at ease and will be relaxed and fully aware of the role they have during any treatment.  They should have taken a consultation and discussed areas of concern and areas not to be included.  I have a regular client who does not like her back neck and shoulder being done but comes for leg massage.  The legs are giving her the problem and she is always so much better after the treatment so whether it is psychological or not it helps her with the restless leg syndrome she complains about.  Thus improves her well-being.  Don't hesitate to ask questions and meet your therapist if you don't know them.  We always aim to make you feel welcome and relaxed in a safe environment so you fully enjoy the benefits of your Massage.

Enjoy your Massage...!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Centro de Terapia EssencialO estresse prolongado e afeta a nósQuinta-feira, 3 de maio, 2012O que é StressO estresse é qualquer fator que ameaça a nossa saúde física ou mental bem-estar. Estes fatores podem ser imaginado (preocupado com o futuro) ou real (problemas financeiros durante a crise presente) o estresse em si não está causando o prejuízo, mas a resposta a ela. Muitas pessoas têm uma vida muito estressante, mas administrar seu estresse por isso não os afecta. Outros experimentam a menor preocupação que pode ter consequências nefastas.

 Como o estresse afeta Conosco

Stress não discriminar e não afeta tanto masculino e feminino. Para alguns, pode começar na infância e continuar na juventude e idade adulta. Para outros, pode iniciar após trauma ou choque onde você não pode se sentir capaz de enfrentar por causa de compromissos de carga de trabalho e família. No entanto, os cuidados são necessários para determinar e diagnosticar o seu problema, como você poderia estar sofrendo de depressão ou tristeza. A primeira coisa que você precisa fazer é ver o seu G.P.O corpo sempre teve de responder ao estresse mas os fatores de estresse do século 21 tendem a ser mais intangível. A insegurança no trabalho, se preocupar com dificuldades de relacionamento, irritação sobre engarrafamentos, sexualidade e montagem na escola e na vida profissional. A principal coisa a lembrar que os efeitos do stress são exatamente o mesmo se a ameaça é de um chefe irritado ou um gorila. O corpo percebe o perigo, se prepara para enfrentá-lo ou fugir. (A luta ou síndrome de vôo.) O corpo trabalha para conservar a energia, portanto, encerra vários sistemas para permitir o movimento e escapar.A freqüência cardíaca aumenta à medida que corre adrenalina no corpo para advertir do "perigo iminente". A pressão arterial aumenta como o sistema digestivo fecha e músculos se contraem. Se neste momento o perigo seja eliminado nas respostas de estresse atingido o seu objectivo eo corpo relaxa.Nem sempre é tão simples, dependendo de fatores de estresse e de freqüência.Um trabalhador de escritório pode não ser capaz de fugir de um problema irritante ou colega. (Possibilidade de abuso, assédio ou intimidação.) Nesses casos, o corpo pode permanecer tenso e incapaz de relaxar, mas se esta for prolongada, pode muito bem resultar em tensão crônica. A situação não está a ser tratada e da resposta prolongada realizada em tensão, em seguida, resultar em danos para o corpo. O mecanismo de resposta natural não tem sido capaz de funcionar em reverter a situação provocada pela ameaça permitindo que o corpo relaxar.
Como é Estresse Danificar

Todos nós precisamos de uma certa quantidade de estresse em nossas vidas e pode ser comparada à flora bons e ruins de nosso sistema imunológico. A resposta ao perigo percebido pode salvar a vida, como sair do caminho de um carro se aproximando um pouco mais rápido por causa do stress necessário ou talvez você é um entusiasta do esporte, que executa de forma competitiva.Novamente, é a continuação do esforço de longo prazo em resposta a fatores externos, sempre que estes não são tratados com tanto para eliminar o estresse ou respondem de forma diferente a ela que resulta em danos para o estado sempre alerta do corpo e, eventualmente, mostrar como preocupação física no sistema ou sistemas do corpo. Estima-se hoje que 85% das doenças e enfermidades são causadas por stress.

Quais são os sintomas de estresse

Você deve se lembrar como você se sentiu ao tomar seus exames importantes ou participar de uma entrevista, reunião ou jogo de futebol importante ou uma palestra. Borboletas no estômago e em um estado nervoso. Algumas das seguintes também podem ter sido experimentado. Estômago revirando, tremores, taquicardia, palpitações ou, diarreia, perda de apetite, insônia e sudorese. A médio prazo: Estes sintomas, se não tratada pode causar dores no peito, alergias, insônia persistente, pressão alta, dores abdominais, úlceras, asma, enxaquecas, depressão e infecções. A longo prazo: estresse constante é conhecida por causar câncer, doenças cardíacas, derrame, angina e pode ser fatal.

O estresse pode ser curada?

Não. O estresse não pode ser curada em si mesmo, porque as ameaças ao nosso bem-estar sempre irá existir em torno de nós. A ameaça em si não é o problema. A maneira como essas ameaças e estresse é percebido ea resposta a ela é o fator mais importante. Se o stress é gerenciado não é mais prejudicial.por exemplo, Se você estiver preso no trânsito? Em uma movimentada área você pode aceitar isso como uma situação normal. Outro motorista pode tornar-se enfurecido, mas o fator de estresse real é a mesma. Você relaxado enquanto gerencia o seu estresse para não ficar com raiva ou chateado. O outro motorista ficou enfurecido.
Como pode ser gerenciado estresse

Se você reage ao estresse de forma mais saudável e utilizar técnicas de meditação, yoga pillates, ou relaxamento que você pessoalmente gosta e gosta.Você vai reduzir os efeitos do estresse tem em seu corpo. Não podemos simplesmente dizer aos nossos corpos para relaxar. Temos que aprender a relaxá-los e pode usar atividades relaxantes, juntamente com técnicas de visualização, respiração e relaxamento. Mais importante que pode ser estimulada por ter um dos seguintes para ajudá-lo a um estado de homeostase eo início de gerir o seu stress.BOWEN: Um tratamento muito delicado e que você terá de fazer curso de quatro, mas com bons resultados duradouros e muito corretiva. Mais focada vitalidade, mais eficiente e mais.
Reflexologia: Usando os pés para trabalhar em todas as partes do corpo, mente e espírito, você pode sentir a sensação de maior bem-estar e flutuar a essa praia de areia dourada.HYDRO-THERM MASSAGEM: Uma experiência que precisa ser julgado por qualquer entusiasta da Massagem. Você deita na cama de água, virados para cima, mantendo-se seco, mas onde você viagem é exclusivo para você.Deep Tissue Massagem: A massagem para liberar toda a tensão, enquanto que os de fibra proporcionando um relaxamento profundo que você pode realmente sentir e sentido.REIKI: Uma energia de cura para seu corpo, mente e espírito que não tem nada a ver com religeon mas tudo a ver com a força que é cada parte de vocês e do universo, incluindo a tudo que existe. Nada e ninguém é excluído. Todos e tudo incluído.AROMATERAPIA: Uma experiência de massagem com o uso de óleos essenciais para agir em condições especiais ou apresentações para melhorar o seu bem-estar.Estes são discutidos em maior detalhe na informação sobre página essentialtherapycentre.orgou

What is Stress

Stress is any factor that threatens our physical or mental well-being.  These factors may be imagined (worried about the future) or real (financial problems during the present crisis)  The stress itself is not causing the damage but rather the response to it.  Many people have very stressful lives but manage their stress so it doesn't affect them.  Others experience the slightest worry which can have damaging consequences.

 How Does Stress Affect Us

Stress not not discriminate and affects both Male and Female.  For some it may start in childhood and continue into youth and adulthood.  For others it can start after trauma or shock where you might not feel able to cope because of workload and family commitments.  However, care is needed to determine and diagnose your problem as you could be suffering from depression or grief.  The first thing you need to do is see your G.P.

The body has always had to respond to stress but in the 21st Century stress factors are likely to be more intangible.  Job insecurity, worrying about relationship difficulties, irritation about traffic jams, sexuality and fitting in at school and in working life.  The main thing to remember that the effects of stress are exactly the same whether the threat is from an angry Boss or a Gorilla.  The body perceives danger, prepares to face it or run away.  (The fight or flight syndrome.)  The body works to conserve energy therefore shuts down several systems to enable movement and escape.

The heart rate increases as adrenaline rushes into the body to warn of the 'Impending Danger.'  Blood pressure increases as digestive system closes down and muscles contract.  If at this point the danger is removed the stress responses achieved its aim and the body relaxes.  It is not always that simple, depending on stress factors and frequency.  An office worker might not be able to get away from an annoying problem or colleague. (Possible abuse, bullying or intimidation.)  In such cases the body may remain tense and unable to relax, but if this is prolonged it may very well result in chronic tension.  The situation is not being dealt with and the prolonged response held in tension will then result in damage to the body.  The natural response mechanism has not been able to function in reversing the condition brought on by the threat allowing the body to relax.
How is Stress Damaging

We all need a certain amount of stress in our lives and it can be likened to the good and bad flora of our immune systems.  The response to perceived danger can be life saving such as getting out of the way of an approaching car a little faster because of necessary stress or maybe you are a Sport enthusiast who performs competitively.  Again it is the continuation of long term stress in response to external factors where these are not dealt with either to remove the stress or respond differently to it that results in damage to the ever alert state of the body and eventually show as physical concern on system or systems of the body.  It is now estimated that 85% of diseases and illnesses are caused by stress.

What are the symptoms of Stress

You may recall how you felt when taking your important exams or attending an interview, meeting or important football match or given a talk.  Butterflies in the stomach and in a nervous state.  Some of the following may also have been experienced.  Stomach churning, trembling, racing heart, or palpitations, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, insomnia and sweating.  In the Medium term:  These symptoms if left untreated may cause chest pains, allergies, persistent insomnia, high blood pressure, abdominal pains, ulcers, asthma, migraines, depression and infections.  In the long term:  Constant stress is known to cause Cancer, heart disease, strokes, angina and may be fatal.
Can Stress be cured?

No.  Stress cannot be cured in itself because threats to our well-being will always exist around us.  The threat itself is not the problem.  The way such threats and stress is perceived and the response to it is the most important factor.  If stress is managed it is no longer damaging. e.g. If you were stuck in traffic?  In a busy area you may accept that as a normal situation.  Another driver may become enraged but the actual stress factor is the same.  You relaxed while managing your stress so didn't get angry or upset.  The other driver became enraged.
How can Stress be Managed

If you respond to stress in a healthier way and use meditation, pillates,  yoga or relaxation techniques that you personally enjoy and like.  You will reduce the affects stress has on your body.  We can't just tell our bodies to relax.  We have to learn how to relax them and can use relaxing activities along with breathing, visualisation and relaxation techniques.  More importantly you can be encouraged by having any of the following to aid you to a state of Homoeostasis and the start of managing your stress.

BOWEN:   A very gentle treatment and one you will need to do course of four but with good lasting results and very corrective.  More focused, More efficient and More vitality.

REFLEXOLOGY:  Using the feet to work on all parts of the body mind and spirit you can feel the sense of improved well-being and float off to that golden sandy beach.

HYDRO-THERM MASSAGE:   An experience that needs to be tried by any Massage enthusiast.  You lay on water bed, face up, remaining dry but where you journey is unique to you.

DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE:   A massage to release all the tension from those fibre's whilst providing a deep relaxation that you can really feel and sense.

REIKI:  An energy healing for your mind body and spirit that has nothing to do with religeon but everything to do with the force that is every part of you and the universe including the all there is.  No one and nothing is excluded.  Everyone and everything is included.

AROMATHERAPY:  An experience of massage with the use of essential oils to act on particular conditions or presentations to improve your well-being.

These are discussed in more detail in information on web page