Tuesday 2 July 2013

Still putting off doing something about those aches and pains or disheartened at nothing working...?

The Waiting Game...!

One of the most common concerns my clients have when back home after their initial treatment of Bowen and their experience of responses on the couch with that common denominator of feeling taller and for some in much less pain, is the occasional discomfort and aches that may be felt which can be intense at times but generally never last long and is part of the course.  Following each session of Bowen there is a period of 5-10 days when the Bowen continues doing what it does best and that is communicating with the body.  The body adjusts and monitors postural alignment and determines priority because it was designed so with the intelligence and programing that will always better anything we manufacture because the brain and the body store everything required to maintain itself but as usual we get in the way.

For some it is simple and quick and they never look back.  For others it may take a little longer but for some it may take even longer and patience is required along with the commitment and possible changes in lifestyle.  Those in this category may be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, MS, ME, Parkinson and unexplained headaches.  The sessions may have to be shorter but over 8-12 and possibly a few more although this can vary.  It is a pattern for those I saw using Bowen experiencing Fibromyalgia and a few MS and ME client's.  I have only worked on two Parkinson clients but hope to do more work with all these groups.

Working on clients suffering from Fibromyalgia is good experience as Bowen initiates communication through the fascia tissue and autonomic nervous system as well as over muscles, Skeleton, Tendons and Ligaments.  Sufferers of this condition will know and identify with the flare ups of discomfort, aches and pains and the pinging or sharp surges they experience.  It is linked with the fascia and Bowen also communicates using this which can be overwhelming in a client not sure if their treatment is working as they follow advice for aftercare, especially over the period of 7-10 days.  It is often important to make the moves gently and with least increases of pain when executing moves and to possibly leave longer gaps between the moves.

My most recent case had a great first session and was pain free for the first time in quite a while.  She was so pleased and it remained so for a few days then started to return her second was good and she was going on holiday which had stress and tension build up due to having personal items stolen.  The flare up was painful when she returned and since then she has done well but then emotional stress, employment and family commitments plus that unmentionable word REDUNDANCY all take their toll on the person who feels there is nothing wrong and strides to work through pain trying to beat the condition.  Trouble is this often adds to the flare ups because along with Bowen they may have to change their life.  Less hours, better diet, light and regular exercise but most of all let others do for themselves at times and take time out for self.  They aim to get over the ten foot wall ten miles in front of them but don't realise they have already done so at five feet.

My very first client with Fibromyalgia was a middle aged Gentleman who had some relief but only did four sessions and although it helped he wanted to manage it by going back to the Doctor.  To be referred for pain management.

My first success was with a female client in her thirties who had been suffering with the condition for sometime and had been off work with many sick days but often after struggling to keep up because of taking on more and more and the majority of which was extra duties from others to be helpful.  This was not helping her.  She sang in a choir but had to stop that too as energy levels dropped.  She had her Bowen and did around 8-12 sessions and over the next three years a few top ups 7 altogether and never looked back.  She had more energy and felt less stress at work and returned to singing with the choir.  Her driving had been one of being over cautious for her age and driving skills but she also described her confidence in driving improved, she described it as driving like a boy racer.  She had gone from feeling nervous on the roads to feeling more confident.  It was also interesting that her confidence had gone following a car accident some years before.  Again and again I come across this as a common denominator with clients suffering from nervous, neck and shoulder or pelvic injury.  The rear shunt.  How many people seek treatment within 24 hours, within a week, I have found it to be the case where it will be as much as 6-8 weeks before they seek medical help for whiplash or other discomfort and pain that hasn't shown itself other than niggles until around six weeks.  The time when postural alignment might be affected.

One of the most interesting cases I had was following treatments with a lady who came after seeing the advertisement in local magazine for Bowen.  She tried to convince her daughter to take her granddaughter to have Bowen.  She had been suffering with headaches for years and was originally fourteen or fifteen when I saw her grandmother.  She was seventeen when she came to see me and Bowen was helpful.  Most of the shoulder and back areas she had concerns with improved.  Her headaches had lessened and she went from being a teenager with the world on her shoulders and looking like giving up on education because she was told there was nothing else to offer but the medication and an MS or ME group meeting to manage her suspected condition.  I was surprised to find that she wanted to go to London for University as I suspected it would not help to be under the stress and strains of the hustle and bustle.  She has returned following her initial 12 sessions on few occasions namely half term and before going back after summer term vacation for top ups and all has been good and kept under control.  Headaches occasionally now when studying.  However I had to email her in the middle of this as had not heard for six months.  I wanted to include an update as the next possible return for top up would be around September before going back to University.

Her reply came back today a few days after starting this so held up posting until received. 

"Hi Gary,
Sorry for the delayed reply, I only back form Uni  a few days ago and its been a bit hectic! 
Overall I have been feeling much better than I was when I first started attend Bowen. 
I have had frequent headaches recently, mainly quiet mild ones, but this has probably been due to a full time university timetable with exams and a work placement, which has been stressful, so I am hoping that these headaches will reduce soon.
Before this, I only very rarely had bad headaches, with dull headaches also occurring less then they used to, a few times a week. 
I recently had a very bad headache that lasted  about two days, about one week ago, but this was around the time of an exam, and this went away once the exam was finished. 
Now that I am home, and have much less stress on me, if the dull headaches which I am experiences throughout most of the day don't go away soon, then I will contact you for a top-up Bowen appointment.
Thank you."

The three W's are Waiting, Walking and Water.  Let's deal with the Water first because this is suggested from one extreme to the other as to being good for you or not.  Forgetting any tea and coffee or squash you drink think: Blood, Lymphatic, Kidney and Liver.  Try to avoid coke, and the other tempting branded drinks which will not help but may contribute to your condition.  Check for Aspartame and avoid.  Remembering each individual will be different there is a golden rule of 6-8 glasses per day and this may have to be increases a little if exercising or if very hot.  Do not let your body dehydrate.  I would also suggest a half glass to start and aim for mornings and evenings if you don't remember at other times.  Be sensible and you can always request the 10 good reasons for drinking water from the centre.  The next is Walking.  You do not have to walk miles and miles but it is good to have light exercise and walking is a good way of doing that but for those unable to go very far just standing or walking around at home to kitchen and back, (perhaps to sip some water) is often enough during your 7-10 days after the Bowen work.  And finally because you may experience responses that are similar to what aches and pains you had or even more intense although never for long and that is why the Waiting is so important to allow time for your body to make the adjustments and settle.  Be patient and walk about or find something to do to take your mind of it and you will soon feel it subside and be more relaxed.

It is no good spending money on Bowen to go and then have another treatment within the period/s following your sessions or until ten days after your final treatment.  This is a waste of your money and my time.  The final treatment may vary and for some it may take longer to get to where you feel greatest improvement.  Always discuss with your Bowen practitioner the details of your diagnoses of any of the above and see your GP if advised to do so by your Bowen practitioner.  Take note of what happens and how you feel so you can report this back and write it down if necessary for otherwise it will be forgotten or confused as to which day you experienced what.  Better sleep may be one of the changes you notice.  More energy at work or in general and better focus.  Various responses that you experienced when on the couch and some that you didn't.  This feedback is useful information and along with how you are when you return will determine some of the procedures used.

Don't suffer with Pain.  Find out how Bowen can help you...?

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